Our goal is to make you happy with your purchases. All our bags are one-off piece and unique in their own way. Two bags could look alike, but will never be perfectly equal. This is because the production is artisanal and strictly made in Italy. All the material are carefully selected ad it is of high quality. Some details are hand stitched out, as well as the screen prints and texture. Due to the unique and handmade nature of all products, it is not always possible to offer refunds, returns or exchanges. The small imperfections of the finished product are to be considered a sign of “artisanal authenticity”. Consequently, all sales are final. Please ask us lots of questions to make sure you’ll get what you’re looking for. Be sure that we offer only high-quality products, carefully made and packaged. Each item is carefully checked before shipping. We care to inspection all our selected leather and fabrics, so item are unlikely to present any defect at all. However, if you are not satisfied with the item you purchased, or believe you have received a defective item or one that does not meet your expectations, please contact us at and we will try to find a solution together. The rule above apply to leather/fabric and/or workmanship defects. Please keep in mind that the colors might be slightly different on your monitor than the color of the item you received.


Monday-Friday h.10.00 -17.00

TEL +39 011 8172727 – ph. +39 3382448273 + form in the Help & Contact Us section.